Friends of Rotary Park

This is a service provided to the users of Rotary Park in Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee. It is hosted by Friends of Rotary Park, a newly formed volunteer group that is dilligently working to improve the trail network at the park. This site provides information about current, past, and future trail development.


Rotary Park is a county-owned natural park in Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee. It consists of two adjoining tracts of land that make up about 95 acres of mostly undeveloped, wooded land. There is one park entrance/exit that is paved and runs to the back of the park. There are three pavilions along the roadway with the largest being at the road's end. Rotary Park has an extensive trail network and is open to hikers and bikers. The new push for extensive trail work is necessary because most trails were improperly built by ATVs and motorcycles. Motorized vehicles are now banned from the park. Furthermore, the trails are showing signs of serious erosion. Most recently, a large amount of sustainable trail located outside of the park's boundary has been taken by development. The Friends of Rotary Park is dedicated to restoring and improving the park. Those interested in joining Friends of Rotary Park can do so by contacting Chris Clark at 931-801-3898. Dues are $25.00 for a family membership.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Important Infomation - New Meeting/Work Dates

Dear Friends:

Next meeting: July 9th - see details below
Next workday: June 30th - see details below

For those who were not there Wednesday night, we had probably one of our best meetings to date. Stacy Goodwin, Montgomery County Parks and Recreation Director, called the meeting. It was to discuss the county's application for two grants that, if awarded to Montgomery County, will greatly improve Rotary Park.

One of the things that made this meeting so successful was the number of different groups and organizations present and providing input at the meeting. Rotary Park is a multi-user park and everyone needs to be able to provide input on its future. FORP tries to provide a voice for everyone but always appreciates the participation of other groups to help in that endeavor. Other organizations present and participating at the meeting were: Tennessee Trails Association; United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service; The Clarksville Cycling Club, The Bicycle Center, and North Cumberland Outfitters. I want to thank everyone representing these groups, organizations, and businesses for their attendance and input. They all made the meeting very productive.

At the meeting, we discussed immediate and future needs for the park. One of the top priorities is signage and future trail development. Other needs are an improved entryway, a large informational kiosk at Pavilion I, an ADA accessible trail, and more restroom facilities, particularly at the amphitheater. We also discussed future trail development, bridge improvement, a scenic overlook, and erosion control to only name a few others.

The future of the park looks great. The county is going to continue to work with representatives of the State and Federal governments to ensure funding to make the necessary improvements.

The next meeting will be July 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the large meeting room in the Montgomery County Library. This meeting will be hosted by Montgomery County and the Tennessee Parks and Recreation Technical Assistance Service (PARTAS). It will be a public input meeting on all county parks, including Rotary Park. I hope that everyone is able to attend.

Also, the next workday is going to be Saturday, June 30, 2007. As always, we will begin at 8:00 a.m. We will meet at Pavilion I. Projects for the workday will include putting some finishing touches on the medium and small loops, completely closing some old fall-line trails, and other moving some rocks for a drain crossing. I hope everyone can make it on such short notice.



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