New Dates - Mark Your Calendar
The next workday is scheduled for February 17th, 2007. It will begin as usual at 8:00 a.m. We will all meet at Pavilion I. The plan is to groom the trail between Pavilion I and Pavilion II and smooth out the rough spots. If we have enough help, we will have others work on erosion control devises on the main loop. We may also begin "Spring Cleaning" in the front of the park.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday, February 15th, 2007. Usually, our meetings are the second Wednesday of the month. However, the second Wednesday in February falls on Valentine's Day. My wife would kill me if I held a meeting on Valentine's Day and that would probably prohibit me from mountain biking. Sorry. I hope that change does not inconvenience anyone.
Earth Day
FORP has decided to have a huge workday and celebration at Rotary Park on Saturday, April 21. All of the details have not yet been worked out but whatever they are, we will begin at 8:00 a.m. and go from there. Be sure and mark your calendars.
Spread the Word
FORP is kicking off its annual membership drive. If you are a current member, we hope that you will renew for 2007. If you are not a member, we hope that you will become one and get involved in this exciting time for Rotary Park as we restore the park to its original glory and beyond. Dues are $25 per family and can be mailed to FORP c/o Chris Clark at 101 North Third Street, Clarksville, Tennessee 37040.
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