Friends of Rotary Park

This is a service provided to the users of Rotary Park in Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee. It is hosted by Friends of Rotary Park, a newly formed volunteer group that is dilligently working to improve the trail network at the park. This site provides information about current, past, and future trail development.


Rotary Park is a county-owned natural park in Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee. It consists of two adjoining tracts of land that make up about 95 acres of mostly undeveloped, wooded land. There is one park entrance/exit that is paved and runs to the back of the park. There are three pavilions along the roadway with the largest being at the road's end. Rotary Park has an extensive trail network and is open to hikers and bikers. The new push for extensive trail work is necessary because most trails were improperly built by ATVs and motorcycles. Motorized vehicles are now banned from the park. Furthermore, the trails are showing signs of serious erosion. Most recently, a large amount of sustainable trail located outside of the park's boundary has been taken by development. The Friends of Rotary Park is dedicated to restoring and improving the park. Those interested in joining Friends of Rotary Park can do so by contacting Chris Clark at 931-801-3898. Dues are $25.00 for a family membership.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

County Mayor, Officials Praise FORP


I attended the Montgomery County Conservation Board meeting yesterday afternoon. FORP, in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Department, has two proposals currently before the board. Both of those items were on last night's itinerary (both were tabled for adminstrative reasons but are expected to pass at the next meeting). After all official business was concluded, County Mayor Carolyn Bowers publicly thanked FORP for all the work that we have done at Rotary Park. As the newly elected Mayor, she was excited about the work that our group has done and continues to do at Rotary Park. Throughout the evening, three other county officials took time to publicly thank us for our work including Parks and Recreation director Stacy Goodwin and Projects and Facilities Director Gary Hamm, both of which have been to the park and seen our work first hand.

Our work is sometimes difficult and strenuous, but it is being noticed by the county and other park users. The new kiosks will be erected very soon and will feature information about our organization including this website. As our work grows, so will our group. I reiterate the message from all four county officials: stay the course and keep up the good work.



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