First Spring Workday
I am excited to announce our first workday of the Spring. It will be Saturday, March 29th. We will meet at 8:00 a.m. at the lower parking lot next to the creek. I will try to put the banner on my truck so everyone can see.
Our projects for the day include installing rolling grade dips (like water bars) on some new sections of trail. This really needs to be done before the April showers begin. Also, I would like to have a crew working on the new trail up to the amphitheater. If David can bring the auger, I would like for us to finish installing the signs.
Be sure and bring gloves, water, snacks, and any trail building tools that you may have. Of particular importance this day will be a shovel and wheel barrow as well as clearing tools like shears and loppers. The more shovels and wheel barrows we have, the better.
Also, I would really like to thank all of those who have made contributions to FORP over the last couple months. I have been really busy at work and got behind on my Thank You notes. However, I would like everyone to know how much their support is appreciated.
I look forward to seeing everyone on the 29th. And, before any of you mountain bikers call me and say, "wait, the Chickasaw race is the next day." I know. I'm sorry. It was the only day I could work in for a workday this month. However, I understand if you are racing Chickasaw and don't show for the workday. Rest up and represent Middle TN. I may be there to cheer you on but I will not be racing this year.