Friends of Rotary Park

This is a service provided to the users of Rotary Park in Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee. It is hosted by Friends of Rotary Park, a newly formed volunteer group that is dilligently working to improve the trail network at the park. This site provides information about current, past, and future trail development.


Rotary Park is a county-owned natural park in Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee. It consists of two adjoining tracts of land that make up about 95 acres of mostly undeveloped, wooded land. There is one park entrance/exit that is paved and runs to the back of the park. There are three pavilions along the roadway with the largest being at the road's end. Rotary Park has an extensive trail network and is open to hikers and bikers. The new push for extensive trail work is necessary because most trails were improperly built by ATVs and motorcycles. Motorized vehicles are now banned from the park. Furthermore, the trails are showing signs of serious erosion. Most recently, a large amount of sustainable trail located outside of the park's boundary has been taken by development. The Friends of Rotary Park is dedicated to restoring and improving the park. Those interested in joining Friends of Rotary Park can do so by contacting Chris Clark at 931-801-3898. Dues are $25.00 for a family membership.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

New Workday Scheduled


I have scheduled our next workday at the park. It will be January 6, 2007. We will meet at Pavilion I at 8:00 a.m. as usual. Don't forget gloves, water, snacks, and tools. We will continue working on benching and grooming the two newest sections of trail, both behind and in front of Pavilion I. Therefore, the tools needed will be a madox and a bow-head rake. If you have a tamper, or would like to purchase one, they are also very helpful; bring one if you can.

I have been taking my tools and working for an hour here and there benching the new trail behind Pavilion I when I go bike. It is quite fun to spend 30 min. to an hour working then biking or hiking over the trail that you just improved. I certainly feel a sense of accomplishment each time I do it. I also try to find time on days when the trail is too wet to ride.

Speaking of "too wet to ride," I went to the park recently to find that some @#%*! rode a horse on the new trail while it was wet. Just days prior, I had done some benching so that area was even more soft. The trails suffered some damage but will heel or be fixed. If you see someone on a horse, bike, etc. damaging while the trails are wet, please remind them of the rule posted on the new kiosks: "STAY OFF THE TRAILS WHEN WET." If you see someone on a horse, please politely remind them that they are on a very, very heavy animal and that the trails were not built to support that animal, especially when wet. I have a feeling that if the horse riders are shown the damage that they are doing and reminded that we have worked very hard in creating and maintaining the new trails, they would be better stewards of the trail.

Back to the new trail, I have seen a lot of tire and shoe prints in it. I have heard a lot of people complementing it although they do not know I had anything to do with its design or construction. I say this to let eveyone know that I feel that we are building good, quality trail in Rotary Park. Yes, it takes a lot of time and is going slower than all of us would like. However, I would rather we take our time, do it right, and not burden ourselves with too many workdays. I have experienced "burnout" in many organizations of which I have been a part. I do not want to experience that type of burn out with FORP nor do I want any of you to experience it. Rotary Park is our escape from those things that stress us so it is good that we are taking our time and not letting the park stress us. Just my thoughts.

For the bikers, the new loop is short and takes no time to complete, but let me be the first to say that it is some workout. My first goal when designing the trails is to make sure that they are sustainable and properly built. My next is to make sure that they appeal to both hikers and bikers alike. Once both of those are covered, I like to create something that is a good challenging training ground for those who race mountain bikes or take riding very seriously. With so many ups and downs and climbing turns, there should not be a course anywhere in the state that you would not be ready for once you have worked out on this new loop. I'm not sure of its length but it sure requires stamina and strength to complete at race pace. Enjoy winter training.
